Below are a few selected highlights in the history of Novato Sanitary District:
- Novato Sanitary District was chartered October 5, 1925 as Sanitary District #6.
- Prior to 1949, sewage disposal needs of the community of Novato were provided through the use of individual septic tanks and leach fields.
- In 1949, a comprehensive sewerage project built a collection system and a primary treatment plant.
- In 1954, a $450,000 bond measure passed to improve and increase the capacity of the Novato treatment plant to 2 million gallons of wastewater treated per day plant and an assessment district was created to build the Ignacio treatment plant.
- In 1986, a major upgrade was completed to increase both the Novato plant and Ignacio plant capacity and treatment. The upgrade reflected the response by the Board of Directors to the increasing capacity needs of the growing community served. The upgrade also helped to meet the more stringent Federal and State standards of water pollution control.
- In 2011, a new, modern treatment plant was put into service, replacing two aging treatment facilities. The new plant combines the capacity to meet future needs with a reduced carbon footprint and lower greenhouse gas generation through greater energy efficiency. It is performing better than required, easily meeting strict environmental and water quality mandates.