Proactive Sewer Maintenance
Proactive Maintenance Keeps the Entire Sewer System Working Safely and Efficiently
The sewer collection system works reliably—round-the-clock, year after year. This service is made possible by long-term planning, cost-effective engineering, and proactive maintenance.

Pump Stations Require Regular Maintenance
To ensure that sewer pump stations operate reliably, our crews inspect and maintain them regularly. These pump stations lift sewage out of low areas and help move it downstream to the treatment plant. The pump stations incorporate sophisticated electronic controls, pumps, motors, backup systems, and remote monitoring and telemetry systems.

CCTV Inspection to Ensure Quality
The District uses special closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) that can maneuver through sewer lines, conducting detailed sewer inspections that allow maintenance crews to identify and address potential issues. Below, a camera is being lowered into a manhole.

High-Tech Maintenance Management
Our crews use Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) to track and process data on each pipe’s age, location, condition, maintenance history, and more, allowing our staff to efficiently prioritize maintenance activities.

Smart Sewer Access Covers (aka Manhole lids) Help us Stop Sewer Spills
Most sewer access covers are a simple slab of iron—today, we have strategically located “smart” lids with sensors that help us identify high flows during storms, monitor the potential for overflows, and provide information to help ensure the sewer system is operating properly
These sensors transmit real-time via satellite to mobile devices that are monitored 24/7 by our crews, allowing for quicker and more efficient response strategies.

Innovative Solutions to Improve Performance
Our crews continue to “think out of the box” and find creative solutions to get the job done in a simpler and more cost-effective manner.
As an example, our crews fabricated a simple device combining an inflatable sewer plug with bracing, and used it to divert a portion of sewage flow from one sewer piping sub-system to another when needed during storms, decreasing the potential for sewer system overflows.
Wastewater Collection System by the Numbers
Day or Night, Our Crews Respond to Emergencies at a Moment’s Notice

Rescuing a Dog, Putting Out Fires—Our Crews Go Above and Beyond
Helping a Dog in Danger.
Our crews are committed to serving the public. Just ask the happy family that belongs to the dog that was rescued by one of our crews. The lost canine was spotted by Bob Stiles, Jr., and Joe Moreno, running back and forth on a busy road as cars sped by. They stopped their truck and called the dog, who jumped right in with them and was soon reunited with his happy humans.
Fast-Thinking Use of Sewer Cleaning Truck to Put Out a Fire.
In another unusual act of service, one of our crews spotted a small fire at a park-and-ride lot in Southern Novato. Thinking quickly, they used the water jet equipment on the hydroflusher truck to put it out, while alerting the fire department.