Novato Sanitary District Holds Sewer Rates Unchanged for Third Year in a Row
Information Bulletin
September 30, 2022
Contact: Sandeep Karkal, General Manager-Chief Engineer
(415) 892-1694 or
At its August 5, 2022, meeting, the District Board of Directors voted to keep sewer service rates unchanged for the third year in a row. The District’s revenue was higher and spending lower than budgeted this year and the District’s financial position remained strong, so the Board chose not to implement the previously approved 3% Proposition 218 rate increase.
Exceptionally Low Rates. Novato Sanitary District has been proactive in controlling costs for many years. As a result, we have among the lowest sanitary sewer service rates in the County and North Bay.
Top Financial Rating. Along with its low rates, the District continues to maintain its top “AAA” financial rating, the highest possible rating awarded by S&P Global Ratings, the premier financial ratings agency.
Quality Performance, Long-Term Planning, and Low Rates are Linked. Since the early 2000s, the District has implemented a series of long-term plans to rebuild virtually the entire wastewater system. In addition, the District undertook the far-sighted step of a public-private partnership with Veolia Water to staff and operate its new treatment plant. This has resulted in millions of dollars in savings and perfect compliance with over 1,000 quality requirements for ten years in a row.
Ten Consecutive Years of Perfect Water Quality Compliance earned Novato Sanitary District the prestigious Platinum10 Peak Performance Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). Only the top 1% of treatment plants in the US won this award — including only four in California.
Low Income Sewer Rate Assistance Program (LISRAP). Low-income, single-family residential customers who enroll in the District’s LISRAP program will continue to receive discounts based on enrollment in the PG&E CARE Program. For more information, visit our website.
Sewer Service Charges are billed on the County Property Tax Rolls to save additional mailing costs. Property tax bills are expected to be mailed to Marin County property owners by early October.
Customers interested in learning more may visit the District website at, email, or call customer service at (415) 892-1694.